Studying The Potential Of Screen Printing On Metal Substrates
When wrapping a car or wall with metal, you must first get the design on the metal. If you have that design and know how to print it on the metal screen , this blog will help provide you with all the information you need about screen printing. What is Screen Printing? There is a growing trend in the screen printing community to explore metal substrates as a new printing medium. Metal substrates have several advantages over traditional paper and plastic substrates, including their ability to handle high-quality prints and their resistance to wear and tear. Here are four reasons why metal substrates may be the next big thing for screen printing: 1. Durability: Metal substrates are tough and durable, which makes them perfect for high-quality prints that need to stand up to regular use. 2. Resistance to Wear and Tear: Metal substrates are resistant to wear and tear, so your prints will look better over time. 3. High-Quality Prints: Metal substrates can produce high-quality prints that ...