Choose the Right Metal & Finishes for Your Home Facades
When contemplating design choices for a new standing-seam roof or wall panel system, what is the first metal that comes to mind? Are steel and aluminium your first options, or do you prefer unusual metals like copper or stainless steel? When was the last time you thought about zinc? Only a few of the advantages of this attractive metal that are driving its growing popularity for building cladding are its manufacturability and resilience to weathering. Here are the benefits of using zinc for facade design Longevity and Beauty Zinc's physical characteristics make it a highly distinctive and valuable material for facade design . Many of us are acquainted with the oxidation process of steel, which results in the formation of rust. When rust forms on the surface of the steel, it will continue to corrode, ultimately making it useless. Zinc, on the other hand, can withstand continuous corrosion owing to a highly unusual reaction. Green and Clean For a variety of reasons, zinc is al...